
Displaying: 2014

Doing Business in Canada, Eh?

Opportunities for cross-border work between the United States and Canada, the largest trading partner of the U.S., are abundant. With this comes a unique challenge for CPAs, as they must be able to navigate their clients though different regulations required by Canada. Many tax practitioners are currently advising clients who are doing business in Canada […]

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SCOTUS Ruling on Inherited IRAs: What CPAs Need To Know

One of the non-tax advantages of qualified plans is that they are not subject to being claimed by any creditors. If a taxpayer has financial troubles before retirement, they may lose other, individually owned assets, but qualified individual retirement accounts (IRA) cannot be touched. However, once the money has been distributed from the plan, they […]

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Four Reasons Self-Study Works For You

Surgent offers many different kinds of continuing professional education for those in the accounting industry. Webinars, while interactive, require you to set aside a block of time to participate. If you’d rather do it on your own time, consider doing self-study. Here are four ways self-study easily integrates into your busy schedule. Set the pace […]

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Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services No. 21 Released

Today, the Accounting and Review Services Committee (ARSC) will release a new and updated Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS). In 1979, the world of compilation and review services saw a significant change in operation procedures when the Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services No. 1 was first released. 35 […]

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Breaking Down The Affordable Care Act’s Tax Changes

The Affordable Care Act has forever changed the healthcare system in the United States. It’s also forever changed the tax codes. The ACA was passed on March 23, 2010 and went into effect on Oct. 1, 2013. Changes that came with the ACA included improving the quality of healthcare and lowering healthcare costs, increasing access […]

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Ambiguity as a Two-Edged Sword

The practice of tax law can be reduced to one phrase: the application of a general statute to specific facts.  See the Anheuser-Busch case below.   In 2008, InBev N.V. acquired Anheuser-Busch, including a subsidiary called Metal Container.  In 2009, InBev sold four of the Metal Container plants to Ball Corporation.  Under one of the […]

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Exempt Organizations and Payroll Taxes

When you assume representation of an exempt organization, consider suggesting that you perform a tax audit of the organization for all open years.  When the representative of the exempt organization replies that the organization does not pay income tax, you’ll reply ‘generally no’ (questions of UBIT aside) but that your main concern is payroll taxes.  […]

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Work with the Clients’ Lawyers. Make Money!

It is a truth universally acknowledged that accountants and lawyers are not always on the best of terms.  Given that some lawyers know little or nothing about tax, you should maintain a good working relationship with your clients’ lawyers.  A simple example:  Your client decides to form an S corporation.  There are 9 other shareholders.  […]

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