Understanding how insurance industry accounting works will help organizations in any field make important decisions such as the kind of cover they need or how to make a claim in a given circumstance. For a better understanding about professional indemnity insurance, we broke down the four most important things that every company and their accountants […]
Displaying: Surgent Tax & Accounting Blog
Leveraging Relationships in International Associations
The number of small and mid-sized accounting firms that belong to international associations has grown over the past few years. However, not all companies take advantage of the benefits membership can bring to the firm. These international organizations offer benefits that not only can improve the service the firm provides to its clients, but also […]
3 Ways Accounting Firms Can Foster Innovation
Innovation is what drives all value in any organization. Here are 3 ways accounting firms can foster innovation and stay true to their culture.
How to Encourage Young Accountants to take the CPA Exam
Studies have shown that accounting students and recent accounting graduates see the CPA as a valuable credential in the field. Recent findings by the AICPA discovered that one of the most influential factors in the decision to take the CPA exam is the workplace. So, how can a company encourage young accountants to take the […]
New Models of Learning for CPAs
The AICPA and the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy recently proposed changes in the methods used for educating CPAs to the Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional Education (CPE). Among the methods, nano-learning and blended learning were mentioned. Implementing these two emerging methods would align the standards with recommendations of the AICPA Future […]
Choice of Entity and the Question of Flexibility
When a client starts a new business, the first question is choice of entity. The advice you offer is arguably the most important advice you will ever offer the client, given the wildly different ways that entities are taxed. The second question is, perhaps, the tax consequences of changing the original choice. Congress continues to […]
5 Ways Getting Married Can Change Your Finances
For better or for worse, tax structure will likely change with marriage. While not a driving factor behind the decision to (or to not) get married, this change is something couples should think about and discuss. If you’re counseling clients about to tie the knot, here are five scenarios they might face. If one of […]
Survey: Leadership, Strategic Thinking Skills Lacking in Entry-Level Employees
Leadership and strategic thinking are basic skills that any professional needs to possess in order to advance in their career. However, a recent survey of hiring managers discovered a large gap between the skills entry-level workers needed and the skills they possessed. The survey found that 80 percent of the company hiring managers were searching […]
What should your firm do once Tax Season is over?
Now that you have made it through yet another tax season it is time to start thinking about what to do next. Is it too soon to start preparing for next tax season? Should you start looking for new clients? Here is a list of great things to take advantage of the post-tax season time […]
How to Increase Firm Profitability
Starting out in a firm, new employees are inspired to stay with a single company and work their way to the top over time. How are these firms growing alongside their talented employees? Firm profitability is a major part of running a business, and this list includes important attributing factors to help increase profitability. […]