In order to keep tax-deductible donations from being abused, the IRS cracks down hard on the rules and regulations to qualify for a donation deduction.
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5 Life Events Clients Should Include in Their Financial Plan
Depending on what stage of life your client is in, some major life events might be hard to think about because they seem far away or maybe they’ve already passed. Either way, make sure you help your clients plan for any of these five life events.
Explain These 3 Healthcare Components to Every Client
As healthcare issues continue to evolve and increase in complexity, clients will turn to you for advice when it comes to finding a plan that fits their needs. As a CPA, there are three key areas of Medicare and the Affordable Care Act that you should have a strong understand of and be able to […]
Becoming a CPA at 17: What it Takes to Succeed
Becoming a CPA and entering the accounting field is the ultimate goal for many. But it’s not often that the business world welcomes a professional accountant who’s younger than most high school students. The exception to the rule? Belicia Cespedes, a teenager who earned her credential before she was even eligible to vote. Cespedes graduated […]
What the future holds for the accounting industry in 2015
Last month, President of Accountants Advisory Group Joseph Tarasco spoke with about what changes we might see in the accounting industry this year. Tarasco shared his predictions for what might take place in 2015 and identified critical industry trends. Fee pressures, rising staff labor costs and lack of quality staff will force firms […]