Among the relevance of regular internal audits, companies can mention fraud detection, testing of internal control, monitoring company policies, etc.
Displaying: Surgent CPE
6 Mistakes to Avoid When Planning for Retirement
As a financial advisor, you must be prepared to help your clients navigate the retirement planning process and help them avoid these six common mistakes.
2015 Tax Updates: Estate and Gift Taxes
With constant proposals, updates and revisions being made to the federal tax code, it can be a daunting task to keep up with estate and gift tax updates.
U.S. Department of Labor Proposes Updates to Overtime Pay Regulations
On July 6, the Department of Labor (DOL) proposed a new rule that would extend overtime protection to more than 5 million white-collar workers.
Explain These 3 Healthcare Components to Every Client
As healthcare issues continue to evolve and increase in complexity, clients will turn to you for advice when it comes to finding a plan that fits their needs. As a CPA, there are three key areas of Medicare and the Affordable Care Act that you should have a strong understand of and be able to […]
antalya izolasyon ustasi
antalya izolasyon ustasi
Financial Advisers and Accountants: A Collaborative Relationship
Finding new clients is not only relevant for revenue growth, but it is also a good measure of how to differentiate yourself as a financial adviser or accountant.
Sink or Swim: Shark Tank Stars Offer Advice on How to Be a Great Boss
What's the secret to being a great boss? In a recent interview with Entrepreneur, Shark Tank stars Lori Greiner and Robert Herjavec weighed in.
Becoming a CPA at 17: What it Takes to Succeed
Becoming a CPA and entering the accounting field is the ultimate goal for many. But it’s not often that the business world welcomes a professional accountant who’s younger than most high school students. The exception to the rule? Belicia Cespedes, a teenager who earned her credential before she was even eligible to vote. Cespedes graduated […]
3 Marks of a Modern CPA
As the world quickly grows and connectivity becomes a primary characteristic of human relationships, accountants are seeing positive impacts of the modern world on an age-old profession. If being a CPA traditionally involved working at an office and constantly creating reports, it is safe to say that those are not the defining features of the […]