Surgent offers both webinar and self-study continuing professional education courses. At the end of the day, choosing webinars or self-study comes down to personal preference. Here are a few key differences between the two to help you decide which might work better for your studying preference.


Ability to schedule in advance

If you like to have your schedule planned in advance, webinars are a great choice. They are often scheduled months in advance, so pick which times work best for you and which webinars meet your credit needs. You can also often buy webinar packages in advance, which allows you to keep an eye out for money-saving deals.

Do it all at once

You’ll have to block out several hours at a time, but if you like to knock out your CPE courses one after another, webinars might be your preferred choice. It might be a bit of a hassle to block half or even your entire day, but you can often schedule webinars far enough in advance so scheduling conflicts aren’t a problem. And once the webinars are over, you’ve finished your CPE credits and can rest easy until the next accreditation period rolls around.


Instant Access

Unless the webinar is available on demand, you have to watch the webinar on the scheduled time and day. With self-study, you can place your order online anytime for study materials and then receive access to downloadables within minutes. And as soon as you finish the course, the CPE certificate arrives minutes after you pass the exam.

Personalize it

Self-study allows you to personalize your study schedule and set goals for yourself. You can stop and start as needed and work at your own pace. This is particularly helpful if there is a section of the material that you find harder to understand—with self-study, you can spend more time on the sections you struggle with and less time on the easy sections.

Surgent offers a number of different webinars and self-study CPE course throughout the year. Search our courses offerings here today!