Fitting continuing professional education requirements into your already jam-packed schedule with clients can be a challenge. Luckily, there are a few easy ways you can fit your CPE courses in your already busy schedule without bogging down your day.

Spread it out 

Avoid the last-minute crunch to meet your CPE deadlines and schedule them out in advance. This can be accomplished by buying all your materials at the beginning of the year and setting yourself deadlines to complete them.

Schedule out blocks of time in advance

Go ahead and look at your calendar at the beginning of every month or every quarter and see where you have some time and block it off for CPE studies. Check with your favorite CPE provider and see what webinars they are offering in the coming months and schedule them sooner rather than later.

Read on your commute

If you use public transportation to commute to your office each day, use your time sitting on the train or riding the bus to read though CPE materials. If you have a particularly long ride and can download videos for off-line viewing, you can even use your time to watch an on-demand webinar.

Study in your downtime

Have an hour between meetings or while the kids are in karate class? Use that time to do some reading for your CPE course or watch a webinar. You also might find that you have several 15-20 minute spots in your day between tasks that you can use to complete chunks of your CPE course.

Looking for CPE self-study courses and webinars? Search available courses here.