Senior- level interviews are critical for candidates to demonstrate their skills and abilities. However, carrying out this task without seeming conceited can be challenging for executives with several years of experience.  



According to Neil McNulty from McNulty Management Group, senior- level candidates often walk into an interview expecting the company to recruit them, rather than focusing on selling themselves to the employer.


In order to avoid common mistakes and show your ability and vision without giving the wrong impression, follow these simple tips:


1.     Know the company


Extensive research is always advantageous when it comes to the interview process. The interviewee is expected to know facts about the company such as statistics, vision and culture. Demonstrating knowledge about the company will make a difference among other employees and will positively impact the interviewer’s opinion.


2.     Ask insightful questions


The interview should always be a two-way conversation. Preparing your answers is as important as preparing insightful questions to ask your interviewer. These questions demonstrate your interest in the position and show the interviewer that you are flexible and willing to learn new things.

Here’s a list of questions you might want to ask:


  • What are the main company values and how do you think I can further these values?
  • What kinds of changes do you think the company will see in the near future?
  • Are there certain areas you think your team needs to work on?
  • What’s the most important thing I can accomplish in the first 60 days?
  • Can you give me some examples of the company’s culture?
  • How do you measure success?
  • Do you have any concerns about my being successful in this position?




3.     Recognize your weaknesses


This question is very likely to come up during an interview. A candidate who has done self-reflection and can accept self-criticism will be able to give a confident response. It is also important to demonstrate willingness to improve this weakness and that you are improving.  




4.     Talk about accomplishments and future goals


During senior-level interviews you must expect tricky questions with a specific purpose behind them. Being prepared and knowing your answers before the interview will give you the chance to decide what you want to highlight and what’s important for the interviewer to know.


Your answers should showcase your previous achievements and your future goals. This will show the person conducting the interview that you are working hard to better yourself and that you will be a valuable asset for the company.