The best way to start the New Year is by getting a head start on your CPE courses. We complied a list of continuing professional education courses that we offer to help get you up-to-date on new issues and refresh your memory on basic accounting skills.

Audit Documentation Basics – A1M5

Category: Audit Skills Training – Level 1

Type: Self-Study Webcast

A big part of an auditor’s job is to prepare and maintain documentation of the information collected in their audits. Proper documentation is essential to a high quality audit. In this course, you will learn minimum documentation requirements, how to identify deficiencies in audit paperwork, how to correctly prepare paperwork and explain proper techniques.

Performing Research – FASB Codification (A4M7)

Category: Audit Skills Training – Level 4

Type: Self-Study Webcast

An essential skill for every CPA to possess is how to effectively and efficiently research technical accounting and financial reporting issues so they are able to prepare and present financial statements correctly. In this course, you will learn codification structure, editorial style and standards used in research and reporting, and engage in practice exercises using the codification process.

The Best Federal Tax Update Course (BFTU)

Type: Webinar

This course is designed to update accounting professionals on the most important tax issues and review major trends and changes in accounting law. Specifically, the course will cover new health care reform, new net investment income tax, proposed tax law changes and year-end tax planning.

For a complete description of these courses and to see what other courses we offer, visit our website.