The IRS has recently issued guidance in Revenue Ruling 2020-27 and Revenue Procedure 2020-51 regarding deductions for eligible PPP expenses. Audit ramifications are obviously of concern here. In our new webinar, PPP Loan Forgiveness Case Study: Form 3508S Analyzed and Explained (PPP8), our proven experts will explore the various Form 3508 series options available to request and hopefully receive forgiveness. A practical case study will be completed and thoroughly explained so our customers will take away a real-world understanding of the process in order to best serve their clients on these timely and pressing issues concerning forgiveness planning.

In addition, you’ll receive instruction on when to utilize each of the relevant forms. Borrowers with indebtedness in excess of $2M, for instance, will look to you for expert advice on Forms 3509 and 3510. Don’t forget the differences and intersections between PPP and EIDL loans. And ultimately as the potential safeguard and backstop to being declined forgiveness, our customers will understand the appeals process.

Practitioners are increasingly sought after for authority as to when and how to apply, particularly since so much has been in the news of late detailing taxpayer dissatisfaction with these forgiveness parameters. Make sure you are prepared to respond to those fee-paying clients and their 2020 forgiveness planning questions by signing up for PPP Loan Forgiveness Case Study: Form 3508S Analyzed and Explained (PPP8). Multiple webinar dates and times are available.

Nick Spoltore is VP of Strategic Content Development – Tax, Regulatory, and Emerging Markets for Surgent CPE. Mr. Spoltore is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and of Delaware Law School. Before joining Surgent, he practiced tax and business law at the firm of Heaney & Kilcoyne. He is admitted to practice in PA, DE, and NJ.